
Cornerstone Search New Zealand Ltd
Securing the best talent for you


Bringing You the Best From NZ and Around The World

We drive the search process. We identify, attract, assess and convert the top talent both within New Zealand and globally.

We would be delighted to discuss in confidence how we could help you find your next senior executive or technical specialist.

Call 021 946 976 for the right people and the right fit.

Contact Cornerstone Search

9 + 6 =

“He aha te mea nui o te ao..?
He tangata!
He tangata!
He tangata!”

A Maori Proverb

Employee Search

What is the most important thing in this world?
It is people!
It is people!
It is people!

Call 021 946 976 for the right people and the right fit.

Executive search in NZ and internationally: we search the world over to present you with the very best talent.