Executive Search
Executive Search New Zealand
Executive Search is a highly specific, targeted, process…
…used to locate, attract and recruit key personnel. We identify prospects who are respected leaders and who closely match the position description, corporate culture and your management styles. We bring you the talented professionals who would fit your existing team.
We drive your search process. We work to recruit candidates regardless of whether they are currently in the market or not.
Advertised recruitment relies on hoping the right candidate responds. Executive search finds the right candidate through methodical process.
Executive Search Specialists – How We Work For You
Working closely with the hiring executive, we seek the best person for the role from leadership, management, technical and cultural perspectives.
We bring industry specific expertise and insight to your leadership needs.
You won’t be swamped with inappropriate candidates or questions. Our unique project management and solution-based approach to executive search provides effective controls throughout the entire recruitment process.
You only see the finalists
Through our lengthy process of searching and interviewing, we identify the best candidates.
Retained executive search entails expert management consulting. Contacting and introducing senior executives and specialists is a sensitive area where considerable harm may be caused to the individual and organisation if proper process is ignored. We are experts with years of experience, disciplined and competent, not novices.
Guaranteed Professionalism
Retained executive headhunters are paid to find the best talent for their client’s organisations. Our relationship with you guarantees professionalism, credibility and recognised practice in project management in the search processes.
Psychological assessments are often used as part of this procedure in order to:
- minimise the employer’s risk when hiring and
- maximise the likelihood of getting the “right person-right job-right time” fit.
We believe that this additional perspective of a candidate should be independent and that is why we recommendthe expert services of Jean de Bruyene, QED Services Ltd: – www.qedservices.co.nz.
Executive Search: New Zealand and Globally
What We Do:
- We research, we use process and we’re methodical.
- Our process commences with a detailed discussion of the recruitment issue with several key people in the client organisation, including the hiring manager. We rely on a detailed position description, key performance indicators and other factors to determine a candidate’s success in the role. We also obtain the names of candidates already considered, ‘no go’ areas and other key parameters or critical issues that may impact on the project.
- We then start developing potential candidate lists through network and database investigation, and by targeting organisations identified as likely employers of potential candidates. Through a process of research, cross checks and industry evaluations a long list of potentially qualified candidates is formed.
- From this research we develop our candidate shortlist of between one and five names.
- Our shortlist is discussed with our client’s hiring manager. We then refine that list through structured interviews where we conduct a thorough evaluation of each candidate’s suitability for, and interest in, the position.
- At this point, we may use formal assessment tools to create a profile of the candidate and his/her suitability in meeting the goals the client has outlined.
- We identify the prime candidates to be presented to a client for interviews. We may present a candidate synopsis, the candidate’s original resume, a candidate competency scorecard, and a candidate comparison document in complex searches.
- We also undertake a series of reference checks, confirm academic records, confirm aspects of responsibility and performance, cover any concerns raised in the interview process and provide an insight on how to manage the candidate successfully.
- Staying actively involved through the negotiation process we act as a mediator. We work to ensure all issues relevant to fulfilling the hire are being addressed and assist all parties to a meeting of minds.
- Post-appointment, we maintain a close contact with both the appointee and the hiring manager to ensure all are satisfied with the process and outcome throughout our warrantee period. We can also provide very specific coaching, onboarding, on issues important to the company he or she has joined.
You get tried-and-true processes, market and competitive intelligence, assessment services and management consulting.
What We Won’t Do:
- Present a candidate to more than one client at a time.
- Learn the basic facts about your job vacancy, scan known candidates and submit their resumes as quickly as possible. Which we feel is unprofessional.
- Submit resumes to the role without your, or the candidate’s consent.
- Rely solely on job boards or candidates who are active job seekers and have responded to posted job advertisements.
- Work with a large number of job openings, use a database of known candidates, look for matches and send those candidates’ resumes, as many as possible, to you for possible interviews.
- Sell you a candidate just to be paid. As retained executive search specialists we get paid for the process of identifying and selecting the best candidate; we are very particular about whether an individual is the right choice.
- Convince you to hire just any qualified person. We work to find the most qualified person who fits your organisation.
- Approach candidates we have placed with you and submit them to other clients.
- Withhold information that we are aware of that could impact on your hiring decision.
On occasions, we may suggest that we are not the best option for the particular project, and we would happily recommend an alternative solution if it felt this is best for the client.

Global Leadership
Auckland based Cornerstone Search NZ is part of The Global Leadership Solutions Network which requires adherence to quality ethical processes from all members; a standard of ethics and performance unmatched by other international groups.
After ten years as a member of the Cornerstone network, and along with a number of like-minded boutique executive search firms, David formed the Global Leadership Solutions Network to provide a forum for discussion, development and the transfer of knowledge and process for executive search international and New Zealand wide. The Global Leadership Solutions Network also provides clients with a totally reliable referral system between members across regions and countries.